Distribution of winter clothes among the orphans

Distribution of winter clothes (sweaters) among the orphans who have memorized the Holy Quran. All these students wake up before the Azan of Fajr prayers and start memorizing the Holy Quran while all the people of the world are wrapped in blankets and fast asleep. Very early in the morning, all these orphan students had […]

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এতিম নিবাসীদের ইফতার: Iftar for orphans

Iftar for orphans Anjuman A Jahangiria Shahsufi Mumtazia Trust has been operating a total of 7 orphanages in Chittagong, Narayanganj, Barisal, Hijla, Bakerganj, Bauphal and Kalapara upazilas. With only 3000 / – you can have Iftar one day for these Hafez Quran fasting orphan students. You can donate by clicking on this link www.ajsmtrust.com/donate আনজুমান […]

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