Calculate Your Zakat & Zakat Appeal
Give Your Zakat and Purify Your Soul and Wealth
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. The lexical meaning is to sanctify, to purify. In the technical sense, zakat is the name given to the amount spent on a specific sector or level in the light of the Shari’ah in order to sanctify and purify the wealth after one year has elapsed. Zakat is obligatory. This is the disbeliever who denies.
- Allah the Almighty says: Those who do not pay Zakat, even if they have the amount of wealth or money that they have to pay Zakat, will be severely punished in the Hereafter (Surah Tawba). Therefore, it is obligatory to pay Zakat on goods according to the rules of Shari’ah.
- Allah the Almighty says : “Establish the prayer, and pay the obligatory charity, and bow down with those who bow down.” Surah Baqara, verse 43.
- Allah the Almighty says: Verily, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah – Islamic Monotheism), establish regular prayers, and pay Zakat, for them is a reward with their Lord. And they have no fear, nor will they grieve. Surah Baqara, verse-277
- Allah the Almighty says: The maintenance of Allah’s mosques will be done by those who believe in Allah and the Hereafter and establish prayer and pay Zakat and do not fear anyone other than Allah. Therefore, it is hoped that they will be among the guided. Surah Tawba, verse-18.
- Allah the Almighty says: Therefore establish the prayer, and pay the obligatory charity, and hold fast to Allah. He is your Guardian, the best of guardians and the best of helpers. Surah Hajj, verse 78.
Document of Holy Hadith about Zakat:
Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever is given wealth by Allah and does not pay his zakat, on the Day of Resurrection his wealth will be turned into a bald snake with two black dots on his eyes. He will be taught on the Day of Resurrection, like a chain around his neck. Then the snake will bite him with two jaws. Then he will say, I am your wealth, I am your preserved wealth, then the Prophet (peace be upon him) recited a verse – the meaning of the verse – those who are stingy with the wealth given by Allah should not think that their stinginess is good for them. Rather, it is bad for them. Soon they will be put in chains on the Day of Resurrection. (Bukhari Sharif)
Zakat is obligatory on whom
- A person who owns a certain amount of gold and silver, money, ornaments, cattle, goats, etc., as prescribed by the Shari’ah, and if that Nashab is in the possession of the owner for at least one year, then Zakat is obligatory on that Nishab. Zakat should be paid on 1 part of 40 percent of cash or gold and silver. Zakat should be paid as two and a half percent of money.
- Zakat will not be obligatory if the amount of wealth decreases before the end of the year after the owner of the amount of wealth.
- Zakat will be obligatory on him only if he owns a small amount of wealth. Whether he is a minor, an orphan or a lunatic, whether he is in the country or abroad. So, even if the minor, orphan or lunatic is abroad, the one who is in charge of the maintenance of that property will pay zakat on his behalf.
- If a person residing abroad is entitled to zakatable goods in that country, then zakat must be paid in that country. If that country is a Muslim state or there are poor Muslims. Otherwise the poor of their own country will have to pay Zakat on that foreign wealth. Or it can be given in another Muslim country.
What is Neshab and what is the amount of Neshab?
- He is called Neshab if he has the right to the amount of wealth prescribed in Shariah at the end of the year except for basic and essential expenses. Zakat is obligatory on a person who owns that amount of wealth for a full year.
Gold, silver and money (Bangladeshi currency) Neshab account
A. Zakat is obligatory on fifty-two (52.5) rupees of silver or its equivalent in cash, commodity share bonds, price bonds, etc.
B. If the gold is 7.5 tola or the equivalent, then two and a half percent of all gold has to be paid as Zakat. Zakat should be paid at the rate of two and a half percent of the price.
C. If someone has both gold and silver, but neither of them is worth it. In this case, both gold and silver should be converted into silver, that is, money, and two and a half percent of it should be paid as zakat.
D. If a person owns different types of assets such as gold, silver, cash, cash securities, share bonds of the company, etc., but none of them is a separate amount but the value of all together is equal to or more than the value of 52.5 tola silver. Then Zakat will be obligatory on the total value of all of them.
E. If you buy furniture, ships, cars, horses, cows, etc. made for the purpose of selling, you have to pay Zakat after calculating the price of those.
F. But you don’t have to pay Zakat on rented houses, factories, furniture shops. Only cash and profit zakat should be paid. If the other cash is the amount of cash
G. If the amount of zakatable assets of the company’s business is known, then the shareholders will pay zakat on those assets in proportion to their respective shares.
H. If the money saved in the bank provident fund, savings certificate etc. or the money given by Hawlad is the amount of Neshab, then Zakat has to be paid on it. However, zakat has to be paid as soon as the insurance and compulsory provident and hawaladi money is available. Because he can’t raise all that money on his own.
I. If you do business with that money with debt, it will be considered as business capital and you have to pay zakat on it.
J. If the money owed to another is recoverable and if it is a small amount, then it should be paid at the end of the year. Because there is hope to get it. If there is no special opportunity to get the money owed, if that money is recovered, then only the previous one year Zakat has to be paid – not more than that.
We have established and run 84 Jame Mosques, 4 Madrasas, 3 Musafirkhanas, 7 Orphanages, 7 Quran Memorization Centers and 57 Quran Education Centers in different upazilas of Bangladesh.
There are many poor, destitute, helpless, unemployed widows, fakirs, miskin, orphans under AJSM Trust work area. AJSM Trust is always working for their welfare.
For these you can calculate your assets and donate the payable zakat to the AJSM Trust Zakat Fund.
We are committed to spending the money you donate in the right way through our efficient management.
Thanks for sharing this content and explain the importance of giving charity in Islam, according hadith about Ramadan, Zakat & Sadqah. The readers will get all information the looking for charitable giving in Islamic point of view.
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